Okily dokily, considering its been several months since i last typed here and, knowing me, i cant be bothered typing a lot, i'll just give a brief summery of whats been happening. I finally figured out why i didn't really care about moving to melbourne. For a while there i wasn't quite sure but, after meeting my girlfriend, it all became clear. How we met is a story on its own, but if you're interested i'll tell you later. Anywho, I wasn't even looking for a girl at this point, but it was a case of "right place right time", shes everything i'd been looking for and, after we made it "official" i found out that she was so much more... it all happened kinda quick and i totally fell in love with her, but as i've promised her, i'll never leave her regardless of how hard things get. Kat, im in love with you!! Ok, if you've been here before you'll notice that there are a couple of items missing... mainly the wank value charger and bombadore... this is because a mate, Errol, has opened my eyes to the power of the japanese car... mainly the mitsubishi sigma... laugh if you will but, as Errol would say, "see you at the lights..."  