
Stuff about Trent
Techo Shit
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Usfull and usless advice
I believe...
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I believe...

  • I'll have another beer
  • in the tooth fairy
  • that scott and heidi will last
  • errols 260z has potential (looks nicer then the sig)
  • karma is a bitch
  • penguins would taste nice spit roasted
  • the elvis was a communist

My Philosophy

On life:

Fuck it all and fucking no regrets

Standardized Tests

I think standardized tests are unfair because they don't test you on what you know and they try to trick you. What grades you get in regular classes are more important than how you do on some stupid test that you take on one day that you might not be feeling good.

My Opinions on Current Events

  • Mazda rx8 has potential for drifting
  • Moving to melbourne was not such a bad idea
  • Midgets are funny


America trying to "police the world"
This one is a fair call.  We install a government that we trust to do things right, then we get all fucked up just because the largest nation of up them selves whinney bitches has a few planes dropped on them.  This happened because they have a nasty habbit of sticking their nose in where it does belong.  They went to bagdad for the golf to stop Saddam, when they put him in power in the first place.
Now, with bush Jr in office, he thought it high time to finish what daddy started and invaded Iraq.  50 years ago that would have been enough to spark a wolrd war, so where was Iraq's aid?  No where, cause no one had the balls to stand up to the USA.  As the metallica song 'for whom the bell tolls' states "are they fight for the right, yes, but whos to say?".  As far as were concerned we are, but look at it from an objective point of view...
War should be the two leaders in a boxing ring going 12 rounds or to the knock out, not involving other men to fight for something that their leaders have brain washed them to think is right.

Do you agree or disagree with my beliefs and opinions? I'd love to hear from you. Check out my "Contact Me" page to send me e-mail.